Ernie's Policy Platform
Ernie's Policy Platform
Volunteer With Ernie

Other Ways You Can Help Ernie!
Winning the White House won’t be easy but here are the ways you can make sure we get there:
Donate some or all of your money- If all of my supporters donated 100 percent of their income to my campaign then we would definitely win. When we win the White House, my policies will make sure that you never need money again so this is a good investment. Donations can be completed through the donation page on my website.​
Tell your mom about me- If all of my supporters told their mothers about me then they would begin to gossip and spread my campaign message naturally.
Buy a billboard for me- My daughter, who is also my campaign manager, saw somewhere that billboards are good for advertising. I trust her which means we need more billboards in more places.
Put stickers on cats- The best way to spread our message is to put campaign stickers onto cats. Advertising through cats is effective in reaching a large number of people within specific neighborhoods.This also allows for homeless cats to have a job. Such a strategy can be carried over to other common household animals like dogs, birds, fish, and the family bear.
- Ernie Flanders