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Contrasting the Candidates: How Ernie’s Healthcare Plan Beats the Competition

Ernie Flanders

Updated: May 8, 2020

The passage of the Affordable Care Act under the Obama administration expanded access to healthcare to millions of Americans, but medical care in the United States remains an issue. According to a recent poll conducted by YouGov, healthcare remains the top issue for American voters. Ernie thinks that the Affordable Care Act was a positive step, but believes the nation must further improve its healthcare system.

Ernie’s revolutionary plan for medical care would provide all Americans with healthcare… no exceptions. This includes covering all medical issues, including pre-existing conditions at no cost to the American people. Other highlights of the plan include cutting vitamin C prices, making sickness illegal, promoting homeopathic medicine, and imposing mandatory rollerblading sessions. Ernie has a plan that works, but do the other candidates?

Picture of Joe Biden

The Biden Plan for Bad Healthcare in America

Joe Biden’s plan for healthcare simply does not take the proper steps for fixing our healthcare system. The entire flawed plan can be viewed from his website. The main points include:

  • Both a public and private option to healthcare.

  • Insurance credits for the middle class.

  • No surprise medical billing.

  • Anti-trust legislation for existing insurance companies.

  • Allowing people to buy prescription drugs from other nations.

  • Utilizing more generic drugs.

Firstly, Biden advocates for both a public and private option for American healthcare which is outrageous. The American people should know exactly what is in their healthcare coverage and these details should not be made private to them. That is why Ernie believes that the government should have complete control over healthcare, ensuring equality in care.

Biden uses the antiquated American social class system to entice voters and promises to cut their taxes through insurance tax credits. He also makes the assumption that medical bills should still exist. Ernie is not fooled by this because his plan calls for no taxes and no class systems. It’s time that the American people just exist and spend their money how they want. Ernie wants Americans to be happy. By spending money on things not related to medical bills or taxes, Ernie thinks Americans will have improved mental health.

Ernie agrees with Biden that anti-trust legislation must be passed against insurance companies and all companies. Although Ernie's plan outlaws medical insurance companies, Ernie supports other companies but doesn’t fully trust them. Again, Biden shows his support for insurance companies over people. Ernie will fight for people and against corporations.

In his plan, Biden wants to allow American to buy prescription drugs from overseas. Ernie supports this idea because it will allow Americans to receive the best possible medications. Ernie does not agree that more generic drugs should be utilized, which Joe Biden promotes. Generic drugs should never be used to treat medical issues. Ernie advocates that specific medications are used instead of generic medication because a medication that is used for everything cannot be effective in treating patients.

Overall, Ernie emphasizes that this plan is horrible and the American public should not be subject to it, “Joe Biden’s healthcare plan is horrible” - Ernie Flanders (Detroit, Michigan Rally 2/10/2020). No where in the plan does it mention chicken noodle soup subsidies for poor Americans or cutting vitamin C prices. Biden’s plan simply does not work.

Picture of Bernie Sanders

Bernie's Broken Plan for Healthcare in America

Bernie Sanders, otherwise known as the arch-nemesis of Ernie Flanders, has a plan for healthcare that is equally as bad as Joe Biden’s plan. His “plan” can be found at his website. It includes:

  • A Medicare-for-All, single-payer system.

  • An expansion of Medicare to include more features.

  • Cutting prescription prices in half and capping what Americans pay for drugs.

  • No networks, no premiums, no deductibles, no co pays, no surprise bills.

Bernie is quick to emphasize a Medicare-for-All plan and take all the credit for it, despite it originally being Ernie’s plan. What Bernie won’t tell you is that he stole the plan and gave it a catchy name and made it a single-payer system. Ernie believes this is outrageous and that a single payer system could never work. The entire healthcare infrastructure cannot be supported by one single American paying for it and whoever was chosen for the task would probably feel really bad. An entire nation should not force a single individual to pay for their medical needs.

Bernie also has called for an expansion of Medicare to include dental, vision, mental health treatment, substance abuse treatment, and more conditions. Ernie agrees that Medicare should be expanded because it was a part of his original plan, the same one that was stolen by Bernie along with Ernie’s good Tupperware. Ernie of course thinks its a good idea because it was his.

Ernie appreciates Bernie’s efforts to alleviate the burden of Americans spending money on prescriptions, but he has yet again failed to fix the problem. In Ernie’s America, there will be no such thing as money. Instead, Americans will be able to barter goods. Ernie will enact legislation that will not allow drug prices to rise higher than 200 bottle caps.

Finally, Bernie continues to say no to the American people promising, “no networks, no premiums, no deductibles, no co pays, and no surprise bills”. All Bernie does is say no to the American people. When will he say “yes” and allow everyone to live their lives?

Picture of Ernie Flanders

Ernie’s Expanded Healthcare Plan

In a recent release, Ernie Flanders detailed his plan for healthcare but has expanded his plans to benefit Americans. The recently expanded healthcare plan adds:

  • An emphasis on homeopathic and natural medicine.

  • A Himalayan salt lamp for every American.

  • Mandatory rollerblading sessions for Americans.

Ernie is a sensible person and believes there is more than one way to fix an issue. That is why his plan promotes both modern medicine and homeopathic remedies. Ernie thinks that people should do whatever they want and the government should support it.

This expanded plan also includes the distribution of a Himalayan salt lamp for every American. Ernie recently learned from his daughter who read an article on the internet that salt lamps are good for you. Ernie promises that his administration will give everyone a salt lamp to balance electromagnetic radiation and purify the air with ions.

Finally, Ernie will help America by imposing mandatory rollerblading sessions. Rollerblading is good for your legs and Ernie thinks it is good cardio. With the entire country rollerblading, more people will have strong legs and can stand up for themselves.

In Conclusion

Ernie’s plan is clearly the best plan for all American’s while Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders fall short on providing a remotely coherent healthcare blueprint. Ernie is confident that both candidates will drop out of the primary as soon as they read the details of his healthcare plan.


1 comentário

20 de mar. de 2020

This is very well thought out, and I appreciate the level of detail compared to current candidates plans. Explaining both shows the true flaws to any candidates plan.

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